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Kitui Peaceful Demonstrations Hijacked by Political Agitators.

Kitui Peaceful Demonstrations Hijacked by Political Agitators.

A peaceful Gen-Zs demonstration in Kitui Town took an unexpected turn today when it was hijacked by politically motivated individuals. Originally organized by Gen-Z activists as part of the national #RutoMustGo movement, the demonstration was disrupted by paid goons allegedly sent by local politicians seeking to undermine Governor Julius Malombe’s administration.

The peaceful protest turned chaotic when it became evident that certain politicians, some eyeing top county positions in the 2027 general elections, had infiltrated the rally. These politicians reportedly paid jobless individuals with small amounts of money and alcohol to pose as demonstrators and attack the governor’s administration. This group of paid goons diverged from the original protest’s goals, attempting to storm the governor’s office with demands that served political interests rather than the genuine concerns of the Gen-Z protester.

Upon realizing that their peaceful protest had been co-opted by individuals with ulterior motives, many of the genuine Gen-Z activists withdrew from the demonstration. They distanced themselves from the disruptive activities, choosing instead to observe from a distance with disappointment as the hired goons attempted to present politically motivated demands to the governor’s office.

The police, along with concerned Kitui residents, intervened to thwart the goons’ attempt to storm the governor’s office. This intervention forced the agitators to retreat, effectively aborting their mission to disrupt the peaceful demonstration for political gain.

Some of the hired goons, who requested anonymity, admitted to our reporters that they had been paid and provided with transportation to ensure they could reach the governor’s office and deliver the politicians’ messages. They revealed that the disruption was orchestrated by political operatives seeking to advance their personal agendas rather than addressing the issues raised by the Gen-Z movement.

In the aftermath of the incident, the Kitui Gen-Z activists expressed their frustration with the political hijacking of their demonstration. They vowed to remain vigilant in future protests, ensuring that their genuine efforts for social and political change are not exploited by politicians. The activists stated that they would expose any attempts to use their movement for personal political gain, emphasizing their commitment to maintaining the integrity of their cause.

Our investigative team is collaborating with insiders to identify and expose the politicians and officials behind today’s attempted disruption. The aim is to hold accountable those who sought to undermine the legitimate demonstrations for their self-serving political objectives.

Today’s events in Kitui underscore the challenges faced by genuine activists in maintaining the purity of their movements. The Kitui Gen-Z activists remain undeterred, committed to their cause, and ready to defend their protests against any future political manipulation.

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